26 March 2008

And Baby Makes Three!

After all this time with nothing to post, this is what I come up with.

Labor of Love

"To our neighbors, my wife, Nancy, and I don’t appear in the least unusual. To those in the quiet Oregon community where we live, we are viewed just as we are -- a happy couple deeply in love. Our desire to work hard, buy our first home, and start a family was nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until we decided that I would carry our child."

Basically, it's a normal, happy couple who are expecting their very first child. The only thing that makes it something the entire nation is yapping about is that it's the husband who is pregnant.

Because he is a legally-recognized male, it's noteworthy. Obviously, he was born as a female and did not have his girl-bits removed. So most of society is throwing a fit as if it was truly their business. I think it's sad that they can't find a doctor to help them, but I also think most of the time, pregnancy and childbirth is better off without tons of medical intervention anyway. If there's a problem, then by all means utilize the medical system - if you're healthy and have no complications, have a birth attendant (such as a midwife) and have your baby in a natural, loving environment such as a birth center or, (gasp) your home.

That would be my suggestion to this valiant, unconventional couple. Hire a midwife; have your baby in a birth center or at home. And by all means, keep your chins up - the world is gonna judge, but then again, doesn't it always? It takes a strong person to live a transgendered life with pride and security, and obviously this man and his wife have vast amounts of courage to take this step to have a family... and to go public with it.

On an aside... he's due the same day as me! How cool is that??


Carrie said...

Awesome! I'll have to send this to a few friends.

James Goodman said...

That is a fantastic story. I can only pray that someday people will let others like this couple live in peace and no that their lifestyle doesn't hurt anyone. It simply is what it is: A couple in love and wanting to start a family.