07 September 2007

Emmy in a Box

SNL's Christmas skit featuring the song "Dick in a Box" is actually up for an Emmy award.

See the uncensored version here (probably not okay for work, unless you use earbuds, like I did): http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/uncensored.shtml

I saw this skit when it was originally aired, in its edited form, and I totally laughed my ass off. It's so cheesy but it still manages to pull off an air of hilarity that is vaguely reminiscent of the early-90s SNL. You know, back when it was still funny.

However, for all of that, I can't say that it's Emmy material. I did have to agree with Andy Samberg, who appeared with Justin Timberlake in the skit, when he said he didn't know which would be better, winning the award or knowing they'd have to engrave the name of the song on the award itself. Considering they won't even print the name of it in most media (settling instead for "D*** in a Box" or just SNL's "Box" skit), I wonder how they will tackle the announcing of the nomination.

Samberg also did the infamous "Lazy Sunday" skit, which was just as funny, I thought. Wikpedia says that "Dick in a Box" already won a Primetime Emmy, which I find odd because I didn't realize SNL, which airs at 11:30 pm Eastern/Pacific time on Saturday nights (10:30 for us Okies and Texans), qualified as primetime.


cyclefreaks said...

I have to admit, I've never watched an entire episode of SNL, but thanks to YouTube, I did get to see this one. Pretty funny stuff, but Emmy? I agree. I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Just say that. Waaaaay Funny. However, not Emmy material. It is just not....big enough..... LOL

Carrie said...

I love the skit but Emmy? that is pushing it. Maybe that is a clue that tv sucks.