10 September 2007

Making Headlines

People, things and stories in the news... and my rather cynical thoughts on the whole mess.

Senator Craig
Shut up and go away. You're guilty, you're not guilty... you're resigning, you're not resigning - no wait, you will probably resign... you solicit for sex in a men's room but you're not gay... Damn, who cares anymore!!??

Your fifteen minutes of fame were up three years ago. Take a hike, you non-talented ho.

Was talented. Now dead. Let's move on.

6th Anniversary of 9/11
We've been hearing about it since September 1st, and will probably KEEP hearing about it until September 3oth. What better way to further desensitize the American Flock of Sheep to something important than to hound it to death in the media?

He's a liar and Bush's crony. This war ain't going anywhere, regardless of what this moron says.

Buried Miners in Utah
Oh, they finally had a memorial service. It took them six weeks to decide their guys were probably dead?

Okay, do we truly need a city-by-city report of what amounts to a big rainstorm as it moves across the country?

Parents of Madeleine McCann
It's one thing to be despicable people who would lie to the world for monetary gain (to the tune of $2 million), you see that all the time. But to kill your own child (of course, this hasn't been proven but there's some pretty compelling evidence) and then play off the sympathy of the entire world? How do you walk around wailing and pleading for your baby's safe return, knowing all the while she's dead and you did it?? What the hell is wrong with people, anyway?

And then there's this...
Why? Who cares? What difference does it make? They died 1,173 years ago, who cares how they were related or what they ate? For cryin' out loud.


Anonymous said...

Hmm you are right of course. But would you like to find something like this?


Carrie said...
