10 January 2008

7 Things About Me!

The creative and inspiring James Goodman tagged lil' old me for this meme. I feel honored. This is how it works:

I’ll think of 7 things that you all don’t know about me. That could be interesting, because as you know, I'm not very secretive about my life! Between surveys and random rants, I've spilled a lot of guts lately...

Now for The Rules:
---Link to the person who tagged you;
---Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours;
---Post the rules on your blog;
---Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog;
---Tag 7 random people at the end of your post;
---Include links to their blogs;
---Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven Things About Me:

1. I cannot wink with my right eye. I can tip the left one shut by itself with no problem, but when the right one closes, so does the left.

2. As a child, I only lost two baby teeth by myself. The rest had to be pulled by a dentist, due to abnormally long roots that didn't dissolve. The last one to come out was yanked by a specialist when I was 18.

3. I haven't been to a barber shop or beauty salon for a professional haircut in over 4 years. A friend trimmed my hair about 18 months ago, but that's been it... it's just been "growing out" all that time.

4. I was ambidextrous as a child, but lost the ability to write legibly with my left hand sometime in high school.

5. I have 4 tattoos, but I have never even dated a guy who was inked. I was 26 when I got my first one (a botched Star Wars symbol that has since been covered by a large Bacardi bat).

6. I do not like sugar. Of any kind. Fruit, candy, soda, cakes, cookies... they all make me sick. My mother thought it was a food allergy when I was a baby, but testing revealed that I am lacking the tastebuds that most folks have that allow them to enjoy the taste of sweetness. Things still taste sweet to me, they just don't taste good.

7. Although I was not raised by my biological parents, I was never formally adopted by the parents that brought me up. They remained my "legal guardians" throughout my childhood. Because of this, I had to go to court as a teenager to legally change my name from what it read on my birth certificate: Betty Mae Murphy.

That wasn't so hard. Now, let's see... who should go next? I think it should be:


Don't forget to comment here to let me know if you've decided to play along!


Carrie said...

Interesting facts!

James Goodman said...

Wow, that's quite an interesting list. Thanks for sharing. :D

cyclefreaks said...

I played along, sort of, and it was hard!