27 November 2007

So many warning signs...

The story had all the makings of a modern-day fairy tale romance. The instant attraction, the forbidden passion, the Romeo & Juliet style running-away to rendezvous, the devotion that defied ethnic barriers, continental divides and age-of-consent laws. Ah, young love.

But, it's over now. The light finally shone true for the love-stricken lass, and she was forced to decide...

Okay, enough of that. First of all, the romance started on MySpace. Let me tell you something, I have a MySpace account and I assure you, 90% of the people on there lie. Not just in the way of glossing things over, but flat-out lying their asses off. I know because I've seen my stepson's page, and my sister's page, and even my husband's page, and so there you have it. You can't believe a damn thing on there. Even people who DON'T use MySpace know it's full of liars... who hasn't heard the recent drama regarding the little girl who killed herself over a failed MySpace romance, and it turned out the "boy" involved was made up by the mom of a classmate who lived down the street?

Okay, so warning sign #1 - the thing started on MySpace. What's #2? He's Palestinian, she's American. This in and of itself is not a big deal, but the fact that at age 16 she ran away from home and was caught in a Palestinian airport on her way to see him... well, this does not bode well. Cross-ethnic relationships are one thing, but it's probably best to actually reside in the same, or at least friendly, neighboring countries, before you try the romance thing.

It is also imperative, when mixing cultures, to understand that things are just... well... different in other countries. Especially for women, especially in Middle Eastern countries. For instance:

"(Katherine) Lester told (Abdullah) Jinzawi he was possessive and swore at her. Under questioning by host Phil McGraw, Jinzawi denied being verbally abusive but said he called her names."

Possessive? Verbally abusive? Naaaah. Guys in the Mid East are nothing BUT respectful and loving to their women!!

Oh, and the whole "host Phil McGraw" thing? Well, keeping to the spirit of initiating the romance online and conducting the affair primarily over the internet, she broke up with him on television.

L'amour. Who said romance is dead??


Carrie said...

So do you lie on myspace? lol

Angie said...

Ya know, that's a fair question. After I posted that, I thought, "Boy I just called everyone on MySpace a liar, and here I am admitting that *I* am on there too!"

Actually, I don't flat-out lie. I probably am more honest than I need to be. I've left a few things off, which I suppose could be considered lying by omission, but some things are just none of the world's business. I don't figure anyone believes me anyway, most people on there EXPECT you to lie about some things.

Okjerm said...

I only use my MySpace account as a way of meeting Chris Hanson.

He's so dreamy.

James Goodman said...

Yeah, I have a MySpace account I use to pimp books, but wow...some of the people it attracts. I learned fairly quick, that few people there are what they seem.